Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In Case You Are Looking For Him....

I found him. I don't know who Igor is but he is at a barber shop/salon on 21st somewhere between 8th & 5th Aves. He must be pretty special because he warrants a neon sign! I mean they don't give those away for free...at least I don't think they do if so I am gotta get me one of those.

I was in an odd mood today. I think I'm just tired. Plus I seem to have lost one of my rings. I've worn this ring for the last ten years and am really fond of it. I am hoping it's either at my job or I left it at K's job and someone found it. Cross your fingers!

1 comment:

p33p3rs said...

Good ol' Igor! I was wondering when he would resurface.

Awesome picture, and what a bizarre sign! I want one right outside my cubicle announcing my presence.

I was sorry about your ring, but I know you have since found it (yay!).