Wednesday, January 23, 2008

If you Believe in Life After Love...

P and I were out to dinner at Vynl in Hell's Kitchen prior to seeing "The Homecoming". Each bathroom there is themed around a singer. They have a tile mosaic of the artist on the wall with a doll of them in a case. Also their music is playing, it's really kind of cute. This location has - Dolly, Elvis, Cher and Nelly. I get all of them except Nelly. I mean Nelly?!? His body of work isn't quite as extensive as the others but what do I know?!?

Anyway after I left the restroom I realized I should take a picture. So as we were preparing to leave I went to take a picture but someone just went into Cher. I checked out Nelly (Nelly?!? I did find it odd that they were playing his explicit lyrics, so send your kids to anyone but him...I am just sayin!) but decided I really wanted to get a pic of Cher. P was gracious enough to go and take this picture for me.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Nelly's got a large body of work, plus they need some color up in there!!!