Friday, February 29, 2008


I took this down on St. Mark's Place with K on my way to see our friend M's one woman show. The show was awesome. I kinda want to go here and check this place out!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Howl at the Moon

So I've passed this place a few times lately and I thought I'd take a photo. I really like the logo. I must say I think it's kind of cool how the reflection of my hands are in the photo.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


P and I went to the Deepak Chopra to check out the guided meditation but we missed it by a minute or two. So they offered us the private meditation center. It was really cool. So we sat in silence for 30 minutes. They had various sayings on the walls so I snapped this one. If you can't read it here's what it says:


I am awake to coincidences and know that they are messages from God. I flow with the cosmic dance.

Gemini Horoscope for week of February 28, 2008

Whether or not you consider yourself a storyteller, it's time to do the best you can at practicing that art. I say this for two reasons. First, the people you encounter will have a special need to hear about your adventures in redemption, the riddles that have fueled your quest, and the mysteries that have pushed you to the edge of your understanding. Second, as you talk about those adventures, riddles, and mysteries, you will give yourself the exact boost you need to open fully to the next great story of your life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Art in the City Part 3

I went to Borders again tonight and took these pictures at the Time Warner Center. Even on a gross rainy night I can find something pretty to look at out there.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Wall

Here are some photos of snow on the wall down the hill from the train. Thanks Macro.....Bok Bok!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Snowy Mountain

Here's a picture of snow on the "mountain" near my apartment. I walk past this and into it to catch the A train each morning.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Little Red - Last Show

Mother Hood (L) and Little Red (J) backstage.

Dad Wolf (T) and Teen Wolf (M) backstage.

Dad Wolf (T), Grandmother Hood (F) and Teen Wolf (M) backstage.

Mother Hood (L) and Hoboken Deputy Forest Ranger Bill (Me) backstage.

All of us on stage.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Dark Pictures in the Night

I took these pictures in Union Square after rehearsal on my way to Brooklyn to have dinner with P. I kind of like them.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Busy Day

Today my job had a volunteer opportunity at God’s Love We Deliver, which we also had in November as well. It’s a wonderful organization and it was fun get to know some co-workers as well. Here’s a picture of one of the things I did, opening big bags of meat and putting it on trays.

After GLWD I went to the Pedigree Adoption Center and met Bernadette Peters. She and Mary Tyler Moore were there doing a signing. I bought a t-shirt and got it signed. Afterwards I realized I should gotten a mug and just got it signed. I doubt I will wear the shirt and I must admit I was a bit of disappointed in meeting Bernadette. She wasn't very engaging with me. But I still love her and am looking forward to seeing her perform in Cleveland, Ohio at the end of March with P...ROADTRIP!!!! :)
Speaking of P, here he is hugging a plaster pig on 8th Ave. I think he was trying to set the pig free....silly Vegan!! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Art around the City Part 2

I went to The Time Warner Center today to get "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle. It is Oprah's book club choice and she is doing an online class starting March 3rd for 10 consecutive Mondays. I want to participate so I got it early as the first assignment is to read the book before March 3rd. As I was getting the book there was a panel/book signing with Michael Cunningham (author of A Home at the End of The World, The Hours) Eve Ensler (playwright of The Vagina Monologues) and James Lecesne (writer of Trevor, an 18 min short film that inspired The Trevor Project - Suicide Prevention Line for LGBT youth) it was for the release of Absolute Brightness but James Lecesne. I may want to read it next. Anyway right outside of Borders there are some art pieces and this is one of them. I must say I love that on a random night at the bookstore I am treated to a charming panel discussion with some amazing people. How could I ever leave New York City?

Gemini Horoscope for week of February 21, 2008

"Where my heart lies," wrote Robert Browning in his prayerful poem, "let my brain lie also." That's my wish for you to experience in the coming weeks, Gemini. It's not a wistful, ineffectual wish, either: My astrological analysis indicates that the cosmos will be conspiring to unify more than a few of your fragmented parts. In fact, I predict that your thoughts and feelings will converge in a vigorous collaboration that will ultimately generate excellent karma for you and others.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Art around the City Part 1

This is some art I stumbled upon today. It's right between some buildings. Art really is everywhere you look!

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Storm is a A Brewin'

I snapped these on my way home from the show today. I love the dark of the cloud and the brightness of the buildings!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

So what time IS it?

I see this each day on my way to the theatre and I love the way it looked in the sky today. I also found it amusing that both clocks say a different time and neither was correct. I should have walked around the corner to see what the other two sides said!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

For K

I saw this poster as I walked around downtown today. I had to snap it for K. Only a few more days till the new Janet CD. I guess we will see how it does...I will give him my FEEDBACK!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Trippy Outty!

This is the ceiling at the rehearsal space we've been using. I was waiting for P to meet me and I looked up and thought it was cool. I think the security guy thought I was insane!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is a picture of P's Misto from Starbucks. He made a little heart with the foam and I enhanced it with my photo program. I think it's cute! We stopped at Starbucks before I surprised him with tickets to see Xanadu on stage followed by dinner at Candle 79! It was a great night...if I say so myself!

Here is a pic of my Valentine, P, enjoying his Misto. Wow what a cute sweater...I wonder where he got it? Maybe it was a valentine's gift from a certain someone? :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Criky! Look at the size of it!

This is a picture of the A train station at 14th Street. These little pieces are all around the station. I don't why they are there or what made this the choice for the location but it adds some fun to it. This is cute since it plays off the old idea the alligators live in the sewers of NYC.

Gemini Horoscope for week of February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine Daze, Gemini! During my search for the spark that would be most likely to energize your love life, I found this dose of truth from novelist Tom Robbins: "We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love." I hope that quote inspires you to shed any tendency you might have to wait for the ideal romantic situation to find its way to you. Instead, establish a habit of visualizing in precise detail the kind of love you want to give and receive. Then work on patiently materializing it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Let It SNOW!!

So it snowed today. I went out to the doctor at lunch when it was starting. When I walked back to work it was sticking. It was gone by the next morning because it warmed up and rained but it was nice to see it for a while. This is Thompson Square Park on the Lower East Side. I took this picture on my way home from rehearsal. It looks so peaceful!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Red Carpet

Working right around the corner from the Ziegfeld is fun. I get to see them setting up for the New York Premiere of most movies. On this particularly frigid evening it was for Jumper. I never wait around to see the celebrities but maybe one day I will.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lions Everywhere!

So in my hunt for photos I notice a lot of lions in the city. I keep thinking I may do a week where I post a lion a day. This is from a hotel on Lexington Ave. I forgot to get the name.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


See what happens when you go Vegan? You try and eat ginormous fake burgers. Poor P.

Here's me trying on a warm hat I wish I bought.

Friday, February 8, 2008


I saw this walking down E. 4th Street on my way out of rehearsal with P. He told me to take it so I did.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Orange Bike?!?

This is the second orange bike I saw chained to pole this week. This one however was in worse shape. I wonder what it means? Could it be the same bike? Or was it some sort of marketing thing?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who doesn't love flowers

P gave me some pretty flowers tonight when he surprised me and met me before rehearsal. He's so sweet.

Gemini Horoscope for week of February 7, 2008

I've got some of the strangest good news you've ever heard. Ready to open your mind to the odd opportunities? Get this: 1. Your wild speculations could serve you better than your educated guesses. 2. Your experimental urges might be smarter than your cautious plans. 3. Your "stumbles" may lead you to brilliant detours. 4. You just may be able to create lucky breaks out of apparent mistakes.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

You know you're gonna wait...

As I ran down the steps at 59th Street to catch the A train home tonight and saw the crane cars on the track. Luckly I didn't have to wait too long. So I grabbed this picture. I like the various shades of yellow.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Talk about a Special!!

I think the sign speaks for it's self! I am wondering what tomorrow's special is?!?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Valentine Twist

This is a window of the flower shop in 55th Street. The deep blue really caught my eye. I love that it's a Valentine's window but not in red. I wish the flash wasn't in the middle but this was the best of all the shots I took. When I took it from and angle it lost something.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Back in Time?

I took this shot on my way down P's street to meet him to go to Long Island to see my friend K in Parade (She was wonderful the show was great and we had so much fun going and handing out afterwards).

This picture makes me think of an earlier time in the world. I love all the colors and the white sky as well as the buildings behind.

Right after I took this an older woman was walking past me and she stopped and posed for me. We laughed and smiled. Who knew people in Brooklyn were so nice? LOL ;)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Who says I don't bring you flowers?!? Barbra Streisand I guess.

These are some rose I grabbed out of the bouquet at work on Friday night as they were being tossed out. I gave them to P. (Don't tell him that's where I got them!) :) I still think they are beautiful. I really like how the camera catches the pink on the edges.