Thursday, May 8, 2008

Horoscopes for week of May 8, 2008

According to a survey, one out of every ten people says the Internet makes them feel closer to God. I predict that you will be part of that group in the coming days, Gemini. But it's not just surfing the Web that will bring you into more intimate communion with the Divine Wow. Washing dishes will do it, too, as will buttering toast, brushing your teeth, and skipping down the street. For that matter, throwing imaginary rocks at the sky, blowing your nose on your sleeve, and pretending you're a rock star will put you into a more fluid alignment with the Primal Root. Pretty much everything! What if you're an atheist? You're free to ignore the evidence of Spirit's presence pressing in on you from all sides. But even if you do that, I bet you'll still enjoy a profoundly enhanced sense that life is wildly meaningful.

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